About Louisiana Kindred

Hundreds of thousands of enslaved men, women and children were bought and sold in Louisiana before the Civil War. Their names have largely remained secreted away in notarial archives ever since.

Louisiana Kindred is a database and digital archive of notarial records related to enslaved people’s lives. It is a work in progress; new records are added every Monday. Because New Orleans was the largest market for the buying and selling of human beings in antebellum America, we’re starting there. The Kinfolkology team is currently examining dozens of notarial volumes from Orleans Parish.

Notarial Records of Sale: Deconstructed

Act Number

Type of Act

Date of Act

Act Number

Location of Notarial Act

Enslaved Person Name

Enslaved Person Alternate Name

Enslaved Person Gender

Enslaved Person Racial Descriptor

Enslaved Person Age

Commoditization (price)

Seller Name

Seller Residence

Buyer Name

Buyer Residence

Buyer Representative

Buyer Representative Residence

Terms of Sale

Legal Guarantee


Notary, Enslavers & Witnesses Signatures

Understanding the Variables of Louisiana Kindred

Enslaved_Person _ID_LK

Each enslaved person in Louisiana Kindred is assigned a six-digit unique ID. This is a necessity because many names appear more than once in the data.

Enslaved_Person _ID_OOK

If an enslaved person in Louisiana Kindred also appears in Oceans of Kinfolk, their Oceans of Kinfolk unique ID appears in this column of Louisiana Kindred.


Every notarial record is assigned a unique six-digit ID.


This is the name of the enslaved person(s) conveyed or otherwise mentioned in the notarial act. Enslaved people are rarely identified by first and last names in notarial records, although many certainly had both first and last names.


Some enslaved people are identified by two names, with the second typically referred to as an “alias.”


This refers to the sex or gender of the enslaved person(s) conveyed or otherwise mentioned in the notarial act. If sex is not indicated this field is left blank.

Enslaved_Min_YOB & Enslaved_Max_YOB

These are estimates of the enslaved person’s year of birth based upon their age and the date of the notarial record. Minimums and maximums are given because some enslaved people’s ages are described in ranges, for example, “between 20 and 22 years old.”

Enslaved_Min_Age_Years & Enslaved_Max_Age_Years

These refer to the age of the enslaved person(s) conveyed or otherwise mentioned in a notarial record. Minimums and maximums are given because some enslaved people’s ages are described in ranges, for example, “between 20 and 22 years old.”

Enslaved_Min_Age_Months & Enslaved_Max_Age_Months

These variables are used for infants whose ages are given in months instead of years.


Due to a Louisiana law prohibiting the trafficking of children under 10 without their mothers incentivized traders to claim that young children were “orphans.” A “yes” appears in this field when a notarial record identifies an enslaved child as an orphan.


While we acknowledge many of the terms listed in this field are offensive and harmful, all were imputed verbatim in order to avoid adding another layer of subjectivity (that of the individual encoding the data) to the construction of race. Judging by their variety and lack of uniformity from manifest to manifest, racial descriptors were subjective, ad-hoc assessments that collectively testify to the constructed and contingent nature of race in the nineteenth century. In addition, such descriptors often provide clues to genealogical researchers attempting to confirm ancestor’ identities based upon their descriptions on other sources.


Some notarial records include information about enslaved people’s health or physical condition.


Most notarized sales of enslaved people specify whether an enslaved person was legally “guaranteed.” We include this information because it sometimes provides insights into enslaved people’s health or backgrounds.


Some notarial records describe enslaved people as possessing particular skillsets or expertises.


This refers to the price or economic valuation associated with each enslaved person. It is left blank when a price referred to multiple enslaved persons—usually mothers and infants—and no individual valuations were given.


This variable is only used when a notarial record specifies that two or more enslaved people are related to each other. (Note: this does not mean the enslaved person did not have other relatives. The variable is only used for relatives identified on this particular notarial record. We will develop additional variables to hold space for relatives not included on notarial records in the future.)


This variable is only used when a notarial record specifies that two or more enslaved people are related to each other. It provides the Enslaved_Person_ID_LK (see above) of the person to whom the enslaved person is related. (Note: this does not mean the enslaved person did not have other relatives. The variable is only used for relatives identified on this particular notarial record. We will develop additional variables to hold space for relatives not included on notarial records in the future.)


Some notarial records provide the name(s) of an enslaved person’s previous enslaver(s). This usually reads as “the present seller acquired the said [enslaved person] from [name] in an act before [notary name] on [date].”


This is left blank unless the previous enslaver’s race is specified.


This information is only provided in cases in which an enslaver acquired an enslaved person through a prior act notarized within Orleans Parish.


This information is provided when an act specifies that an enslaver purchased an enslaved person in a particular place.


This information is provided when an act specifies that an enslaver purchased an enslaved person on a particular date.


This is for information not included elsewhere.


This is the date of the notarial act.


This is the name of the individual notarizing the act.


This is the notarial volume containing the act.


This is the number of the notarial act.


A “yes” in this column indicates that the sale being notarized took place at an auction.


This information is included when the name of the auction house at which an enslaved person was sold is specified in the notarial act.


This is the date of the auction.


This is the address or physical location of the auction.


This is the name of the enslaver selling an enslaved person or persons.


Terms like “doctor” or “mistress” appear here. All honorifics were included except “Mr.”


Terms like “Senior” or “Junior” appear here.


This refers to the sex of the seller. It is left blank when the “seller” is a firm.


This is left blank unless the race of the seller is explicitly provided. “FMC” and “FWC” are abbreviations of the designations “free man/woman of color.”


This is the broad location or residence of the seller.


This the specific address of the seller, usually only provided for sellers who lived within the city of New Orleans.


This variable is used if multiple locations are given for the seller.


This variable is used if multiple locations are given for the seller.


This variable is used if the spouse of the seller is identified in the record.


A “yes” indicates that the seller is identified as a widow.


This is the name of the individual representing the seller. If it is blank the seller represented him or herself.


This specifies the relationship between the seller and his/her representative.

Seller_1_Rep_2 , Seller_1_Rep_2_Location & Seller_Rep_2_Detail

These are used if more than one representative is identified for the seller.

Seller_2_Name, Seller_2_Location & Seller_2_Detailed_Location

These are used if two sellers are named.


This is used if the sellers are part of a firm.


This is the broad location of the sellers’ firm.


This is the address or specific location of the seller’s firm.


This is the name of the representative of the seller’s firm. If it is blank then the firm represented itself in the sale.


This is the relationship of the representative of the firm to the firm. If it is blank then the firm represented itself in the sale.


This is the name of the buyer.


Terms like “doctor” or “mistress” appear here. All honorifics were included except “Mr.”


Terms like “Senior” or “Junior” appear here.


This refers to the sex of the buyer.


This refers to the race of the buyer if race is explicitly stated. “FMC” and “FWC” are abbreviations of the designations “free man/woman of color.”


This is the broad residence or location of the buyer.


This is the specific residence or location of the buyer.


This variable is used if the spouse of the buyer is identified in the record.


A “yes” indicates that the buyer is identified as a widow.


This is the name of the individual representing the buyer. If it is blank the buyer represented him or herself.


This is the location of the individual representing the buyer. If it is blank the buyer represented him or herself.


This specifies the relationship between the buyer and his/her representative.

Buyer_2_Name — Buyer_2_Rep_Detail

These variables are used if there are two buyers.


This variable is used if the “buyer” is a firm.


This is the total amount conveyed in the transaction for all enslaved persons.


This specifies whether the buyer purchased the enslaved person(s) with cash or on credit, or both.


This is the total number of enslaved people conveyed in the notarial act.


This is for information about the transaction not included elsewhere.

Page author: JKW